Freitag, 20. Mai 2011

It´s the thought that counts...isn´t it?

Sorry for not having posted so long! As you know, I´m always busy. April and May are two busy birthday-months in my family and after all the bank problems, I had to use my eastermoney( 60 $) for myself instead of sending it to the poor families in Alabama. :(
Today was the annual sport-day in our school, so we were outside in the sun all morning long, it´s beginning to be hot now, we sweated a lot but we had a good time.
This video is made by my classmate and it shows our tipical day at school :

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh I do so look forward to viewing the video. I will do so tonight when I arrive home from work. I hope you had a joyful time outside, enjoying the warm sun and the fellowship with school-mates! :)
